A town that wasn’t meant to be

Another interesting thing I have learned about Bexhill, Australia is that it wasn’t meant to be, certainly not where it is if there at all. When surveyors were surveying and settlers settling, plans were drawn up at the place Bexhill now stands. Finding land with creeks proved to be good land to develop. It gave access to waterways for transporting timber, in what was cedar cutter country. This was to be Lismore. However, after a short while, and approximately 11 kilometres further in land, rivers were found. This was an even better spot. Lismore the first was abandoned and Lismore the second started, leaving what became Bexhill in its wake. Even more intriguing, Bexhill has never been finished. Early plans clearly show a number of roads which were never built. A place that was not meant to be, and that developers either became distracted from or changed their minds about. Either way, these curious tales make Bexhill all the more intriguing for me, something more intangible and ghostly.

Bexhill Cemetery (Louise Kenward, 2014)

Bexhill Cemetery (Louise Kenward, 2014)


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